Sunday, August 3, 2008

{ Food Inventory }

My friend Janette (kintrophy/parenting uphill) asked a question about the quantity of chicken we picked up this weekend and whether it's enough to last a year. No, is the simple answer. We will, before winter sets in, freeze half a side of beef, 30 chickens and a very small quantity of pork (ham hocks mostly for soup). If we are super lucky our friends fishing the north Pacific will come home with a bit of salmon. This will hopefully get us through until next June but it's all a guessing game this year. It's our first "locavore" year and we're not sure how much is enough yet. We are already having discussions about winter greens and winter fruits. Come January, I'm going to want green veggies. We have agreed that northern California is acceptable as our furthest south point of origin for food but even California doesn't produce broccoli in winter. We'll keep you posted on whether we can hold out or not.


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