Wednesday, July 16, 2008

{ A Dinner To Cherish }

Wow! Is it REALLY July 16th! Quarterly tax months just fly by in my bookkeeping world! Anyhoo...

Last night I was honored to be invited to dinner at Hedgebrook, the writers retreat here in my community. I will not divulge the identity of the writers there but suffice it to say, I was blessed to be in the presence of these women who are so talented and visionary in their work. I found myself holding back the hundreds of questions I wanted to ask because, they are, after all, in retreat. They don't need me imposing my dialogue or perspective on them. But what a gift I had last night to be among these women who give to us their world of words. And the food ROCKED too! (Thanks, Jess!)

To learn more about Hedgebrook or to donate (tax refundable, gotta love that!) visit:


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