{ Money Saving Idea }
This isn't a new money saving idea but I like it, none the less. Little white envelopes full of CASH. How does that save me money you ask? Well, children, take a page from our grandparents...they weren't all crazy. Tomorrow I will be putting away the checkbook and the debit card and the credit card and only carrying cash. That methodology, when followed faithfully, allowed us to pay off not one, but two student loans 15 years early.
Back in the day when we were poor students and starting out (and I'm not being euphamistic here, we really were poor), we had several envelopes that lived in a large paper clip for "gas" "food" "spending money" (the smallest of them all). Each week we would put the budgeted (read: we'd empty the checking account because it's all we had) amount into it's alloted envelope. When it was gone, it was gone...until next pay day. Now, because we didn't have the luxury of credit or of savings accounts, the "when it was gone" part was literal. Fast forward 17 years and that notion is, well, hypothetical. But we are committed to getting back on track and MOVING ahead. We've been standing in the same spot on these tracks for a mighty long time now and I'm afraid a large freight train is heading our way if we don't move along.
Now, where did I put that Sharpie!
Back in the day when we were poor students and starting out (and I'm not being euphamistic here, we really were poor), we had several envelopes that lived in a large paper clip for "gas" "food" "spending money" (the smallest of them all). Each week we would put the budgeted (read: we'd empty the checking account because it's all we had) amount into it's alloted envelope. When it was gone, it was gone...until next pay day. Now, because we didn't have the luxury of credit or of savings accounts, the "when it was gone" part was literal. Fast forward 17 years and that notion is, well, hypothetical. But we are committed to getting back on track and MOVING ahead. We've been standing in the same spot on these tracks for a mighty long time now and I'm afraid a large freight train is heading our way if we don't move along.
Now, where did I put that Sharpie!
LOL... oh Steph we used to do that too ! Now I have a tablet that I have every expense written on and start checking off as they get paid. Not one penny goes any where else until the expenses/bills are paid.
But I do think I'll start putting spending money in the envelopes...I will have one for groceries, one for gas and one for....FUN !!
I'm right there with you! :)
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