Monday, December 3, 2007

{ Tag, I'm It...Seven Radom Things }

One of my oldest friends, who knows where all the bodies are buried in my life, tagged me with "seven random things about me" on his blog (Kintrophy) so I have taken the challenge. But the buck will stop here, I won't tag anyone else, so you are all safe.

1. I was born a natural blond, moved to Washington and found out that deep down (ha ha) I was a brunette...funny what a lack of sunlight brings out in a girl.
2. My best day, if I were to plan it, involves pajamas, an endless pot of tea, a down comforter on the couch, a gentle rain and all my favorite books, magazines and no phone or computer.
3. Like Rob (the friend who tagged me) I too, have an extensive vinyl collection of late 70's and early 80's music. But I still maintain I introduced Rob to all of the important works of that time period. He was a mere novice before me. ;0
4. On the same music track, I have been to over 500 concerts in my life and when I was young my dream was to babysit rock stars on the road as a tour manager.
5. I have had the honor recently of having dinner with the awesome Gloria Steinem and my friends would be shocked to hear I was fairly quiet...something that almost never happens.
6. I dream of returning to writing again one day but don't feel ready yet.
7. If I won the lottery tomorrow, I would tell start a non-profit foundation for women entrepreneurs, hire one of my contractor clients to come finish my house projects and maybe buy investment property (finally) and but other than that, not much else would change for me.


Blogger Rob at Kintropy said...


Thanks for taking the challenge. You do have a very nice album collection. Your perfect day sounds wonderful (just substitute coffee for the tea ;-)

Take care,

December 3, 2007 at 11:10 PM  

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