Friday, October 5, 2007

{ Hiding Out In My Own Home }

Yesterday was one of those days that I stand back and look at late in the evening and ponder the possiblities of renting office space. My office is in the back of the house, has a solid door and I can generally close that door and crank out work. Not yesterday. I had two and half billable hours. SIGHHH...working from home is such a disciplined thing and I rarely have days like yesterday but it's frustrating none-the-less. I was home all day with a carpet installer and my dear friend and handyman, Michael who came to install my new dishwasher. And four other people, for a variety of reasons, called and asked, "are you home today?" Well, yes, but I'm WORKING. (This is the equivelent to someone interrupting you while you are reading with "are you busy?" -- uh, did you not see the book or the fact that I was seriously engrossed in its content?) Why is that if you work from home, it's not perceived as work but if someone walks in to a rented office space, they get you are generating income? Well, on to my 10 hour day to make up for yesterday. (stomp stomp stomp down the hall for my big cuppa tea).



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