Monday, January 19, 2009

{ A Letter To My 'Kids' At A Moment In History }

January 20, 2008 marks a moment in this country's history that I didn't ever really believe that I would live to see. Like the fall of the Berlin Wall (Papa has a piece of it on his bookshelf, btw), tomorrow marks the end of an era that I hope you will only have to explain to your children in the context of a history class and not as a way of life. While we celebrate a moving forward, I remind you that it is your generation who will bear the fortunes and follies of all of the yesterdays, todays and tomorrows. We have difficult years ahead as a family as we all work to not just survive the economic storm, but to thrive in spite of it. You will both be completing college and endeavoring on new lives at one of the most dynamic and uncertain times in this nation's history. When I cast my vote in November, it was for the leader I thought would bring your future more hope, more joy and more promise. In my heart of hearts, I think it was the right choice but only time will tell.


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