Wednesday, January 28, 2009

{ Top Five Ways to Tick Off The Bookkeeper }

On January 28th of any year there are a few ways to tick off a bookkeeper. They are:
1. "Is my W-2 ready yet?" (The answer is no because they aren't due for 3 more days.)
2. "Can't you just run my really fast?" (The answer is no because the printer will eat 3 for every 4 that it prints.)
3. "I know you're really busy but..." (Seriously, you could follow that up with 'the Publisher's Clearing House people are on the phone' and it wouldn't matter until Feb. 1st)
4. "Can't you just run it without my social security number?" (
5. "Is my W-2 ready yet?"

Be nice to your bookkeeper this week and don't call them until after Feb. 2nd.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

No calls I promise~ but could you just fit me in....... somewhere between 3 AM and 5AM~ S

February 1, 2009 at 11:22 AM  
Blogger Steph said...

Sharon, I'd fit you in anytime!!

February 2, 2009 at 4:48 PM  

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