Wednesday, October 1, 2008

{ Will They Learn? Or Will You? }

So now that the bail out has been approved by the Senate and most likely will be passed through the House, what has Wall Street learned? What have we learned? Only time will tell. But like being told that the chest pain you have really is only indigestion and not a heart attack or the small lump under your arm pit really is just a fatty deposit and not cancer, this is our second chance to go back in and do things better. Will you learn from the lessons of the last few months (dare I say years?) and stop over consuming? Will you take a hard look at every item in your cart, in your house, in your fridge and ask yourself how necessary that item really is to your survival? Will you now begin to be honest with yourself that happiness does not come from stuff or food or travel or spending, but from within? Go read a book. Go write a letter. Go clean out a closet and donate stuff you don't need. I'm even shutting down the computer entirely in order to save a few pennies tonight. I hope you do the same.


Blogger Francie...The Scented Cottage Studio said...

ohhh I've learned that the politicians don't give a hoot about what the people of this country's all about them...well I did learn that a long time ago truth be told.
We are not conspicuous consumers as it is and live fairly conservatively.
Now I was planning on buying a new truck but have decided against it.

October 4, 2008 at 4:52 AM  

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